Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Hecitc Point of Life

Oh my gosh. I am SOO sorry for not posting in forever! I feel like a looser.
So we are in a temporary living situation until my dad gets another job, so it has been chaotic here. I apologize for being a terrible blog account.

I got a kitten for my birthday in October! His name is Jack Sparrow (from Pirates of the Caribbean), he is black and white, has green eyes, and is almost 4 months old. He is very precious <3

Jack Sparrow ^

With Love,

1 comment:

I love hearing what you think, have to say, and want to let me know. So please comment away. I just kindly ask that if you have something negative to tell me, that is either hurtful to me, or someone else, I would kindly ask that you please send me an email instead of letting the whole world know. Thank you so much.